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Saxton area contractor Steven Krieger told Saxton Borough Council Monday evening that he never stated that he would not perform certain work on the borough’s Lower Main Street water line improvement project as reported after last month’s meeting.
Krieger said he was hurt and resented the insinuation that he didn’t wish to do the work. Borough engineer Ken Belden told council at its July 11 meeting that it was his understanding that Krieger did not wish to perform milling and overlay work on a portion of the Lower Main Street project that is still underway.
Krieger said the only concern that he had was the condition of some of the makeup of the street that he said was of cobblestone and clay material. This material, according to Krieger, is soft.
Krieger told council that milling over it would be like placing a bandaid on it. He said he can mill and overlay it, but could not give a guarantee that in the future, additional work on it might be necessary.
“If you tell me you want me to mill and overlay it, I can do that, but I can’t give you any guarantees,” he told council. He suggested that council members take the time to closely inspect the road condition to visually see what he is referring to.
Krieger and council agreed that he is to follow terms of the project contract.
Council also heard from borough contractor and property owner Phillip Fisher who requested they consider two-hour parking for several places along Main and Lower Main Street and consider making Lower Main Street a one-way street. Fisher, who owns the former Aldine Theater building at the corner of Eighth and Lower Main Streets, said parking issues are a concern of his and many others.
Fisher stated that he is trying to invest money into his building to make it look nice and wishes to improve the sidewalks in front of it once the borough’s water line improvement project has been completed. Council president Lester Meck said council would have to discuss the idea of making all Lower Main Street one-way with neighboring Liberty Township officials since a portion of it is situated in the township.
Borough maintenence-water employee Daryl Replogle reported that the borough’s Putt’s Hollow Reservoir has risen an inch thanks to recent rain events in the area. He also reported on a second water line leak at 16th Street and Route 913 containing old galvanized pipe that he said council is going to have to consider replacing.
Borough manager Jamie Foster reported that borough engineers are playing “phone tag” with representatives from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in regards to the borough being reimbursed for work done on its Kenrock water line as a result of flooding last year from Tropical Storm Ida. Foster said she received a phone call from Congressman John Joyce’s office on the matter and has turned it over to borough engineers for further debate.
Council tabled discussion on a suggestion from the Saxton Borough Municipal Authorty (SBMA) that it consider taking over the water line in the Husick Development in Liberty Township. Meck, who also serves as water committee chairman, stated he would like to have more information in front of him and some questions answered before making a decision on the matter.
Council also approved a water application request from Liberty Township resident Neal Mitchell that lives near the VFW Field along Shoup Street. Replogle described what the project to get Mitchell water entails and the costs associated with it.
As he did last month, Replogle once again told council that it needs to begin searching for a borough treatment plant operator to replace long borough maintenence supervisor-water plant employee Brian Wills who is reportedly planning to retire in 2023.
Meck agreed and authorized Foster to put the item in council’s November agenda
Councilman and street committee chairman Larry Miller stated that he is disappointed that the borough was not able to perform as many street paving projects that he would’ve liked to see done. Miller said the borough is going to have to do a better job at planning and financing future street paving projects that desperately need done.
Council also authorized Foster to send letters to residents living along the 900 Block of Main Street whose sidewalks in front of their residents may be in disrepair to fix them. Residents are responsible for the upkeep of sidewalks on front of their homes.
Also attending the meeting was council members Phil Johnson, John Hoffner, Adam Runk and Dennis Clawson. Also Mayor Alan Smith, police chief Fred Chadwick and police officer Brian Becker.
Adam can be reached at
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